Thursday, 19th August 2021

So, a new Hump-Day, Dump-Day. The first story is out of the way, what are we going to talk about this time? Maybe this time, instead of looking back, we can look forward. How far forward? How far can you look, before it stops being useful? Anyway, this isn't useful. 

We've seen a painting of where we've come from, but what does the endgame look like? What is the ultimate goal? What are we hoping to achieve? I write as though I'm speaking for all of us collectively. Really, I mean just me. Maybe I'm just addressing all the many facets of myself. Who knows? . Who cares?

Anyway, back to the future - I couldn't resist that one. Back to the goal. What do I want? I want to share, and I want to help. As fucked up as this world seems to be right now, and as much as things seem to be spiralling out of control: Covid and climate change just being the two most obvious to me right now. 

Despite all of this, I believe - truly - that we are living in a Golden Age. An age of potential awakening. I believe that we have been living gin this age for thousands of years potentially, but we just haven't collectively quite got there. We just can't quite seem to break past the basic nature of being human. 

Friday, 20th August 2021

You'll have to get used to a bit of sporadicalness - if that's even a word - and a lot less continuity. The previous episode's content I've been used to regurgitating, with minor editing for many years. Now were on to the more spontaneous fun stuff. 

What did I mean by a Golden Age of awakening? I mean, we could all flick a switch, put our judgements, discriminations, greed and selfishness to the side. We could start operating solely for the better of the population as a whole. Sharing, unlocking our doors, and welcoming anybody who needs food or shelter. We could all share our wealth and fortune, and freely give to those in need. Doing this without worrying about when we would be repaid in full. 

Collectively, we could completely eradicate war, and unsure nobody is ever murdered in hate, or in the name of a religion, or some other warped, misguided belief system. In a number of weeks, theoretically, we could have wiped out Covid. We could have done this with comparatively marginal losses to the economy. We could have our population under control, and with co-operation and compassion we could already be living in a carbon neutral world. 

So what's stopping us?

Saturday and Sunday, 21st and 22nd August 2021

After having a brief conversation with my other half on this subject, I realise how, what I've just said may seem very far fetched and unrealistic. I know it is. I believe, however, in maxing out the imagination, in order to maximise the actual accomplishment. Plus, I like to indulge in a bit of ideology every now and again. 

The truth is, I don't have the answer. On the one hand, I can see the dream. I can see how it could all work - everybody working for the betterment of everybody else. Supporting those who are suffering and not causing additional suffering for some immaterial, selfish gain. 

On the other hand, I see the reality of it. How it may never actually happen. One reason being that my mental image of this Golden Age is not the same as anybody else's. My version of everybody looking our for each other is flawed, because there will be a consequence that I will have overlooked. 

I'm reminded just now, of a documentary on mathematics that I watched. It was much more interesting than it sounds, trust me, so bare with me. 

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