Chatting with Wisdom is hosted by Geegado Megwan Kwe Sprit Name means Talking Feather Woman. Rollie Allaire is my Earth name and I’m a Holistic Life & Wellness Coach.

I empower women to stand in their truth so they feel fulfilled and can achieve all their desires. I work with successful women, who feel misunderstood and disempowered in personal relationships, and stand in their truth so they can communicate with confidence.

Join me for a Stand In Your Truth Call where we’ll explore what’s blocking you from communicating with confidence in your personal relationship.

Every Sunday, I pull 3 messages from various card decks to share as a collective answering the question, "What do we need to know this week?".

Here are this week's messages for April 2, 2023.

These messages are Live on FacebookLinkedIn and YouTube. And replays are available on various Podcasts sites. Weekly Oracle Messages are available on TikTok

If you want to be added to the weekly list, please send a message to [email protected].