Join Rollie Allaire as she connects with Carol Metz Murray for this unscripted Weekly Interview Series.

Chatting with Wisdom is hosted by Geegado Megwan Kwe Spirit Name means Talking Feather Woman. Rollie Allaire is her Earth name. She empowers women to stand in their truth so they feel fulfilled and can achieve all their desires.

This Weekly Interview Series is to help support successful women, who feel misunderstood and disempowered in personal relationships, stand in their truth so they can communicate with confidence.

Join Rollie for a Stand In Your Truth Call where you’ll explore what’s blocking you from communicating with confidence in your personal relationship.

This week we will chat about, "Motivate & Magnify: 3 Steps Women Face to Unleash their Potential"

BOSS of the Naked Leadership Institute, Carol Metz Murray is a People Possibility Alchemist, executive intuitive coach, speaker, and author. Her story of dancing through trauma and drama, to tapping into her potential inspires women to authentically claim the "Real You'.

Connect with Carol:


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