Join Rollie Allaire, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, as she connects with Kay'aleya Hunnybee for this week’s Chatting with Wisdom.
Chatting with Wisdom is a weekly interview series featuring amazing women. There are different ways that women are amazing. Let's celebrate that!
This week we will chat about, "Herbal Menstrual Health: An Herbalist's View on Working With Your Cycle the Natural way"

Kay’aleya is an herbalist and integrative health educator specializing in menstrual, hormonal, sexual and reproductive health. She holds a Masters of Science degree in Therapeutic Herbalism from the Maryland University of Integrative Health, a certification as a Women's Herbal Educator with Aviva Romm, MD, and is currently pursuing certification as a Women's Health Coach with a focus on nutrition through the Integrative Women's Health Institute.

As a trained yoga teacher and an experienced massage therapist with a background as a doula and student midwife, she brings a uniquely integrative lens to her work as an herbalist. She draws on her diverse tapestry of experience to share truly integrative approaches to everything from menstrual cycle support, to breast/chest health, to postpartum care, to navigating the menopausal transition and beyond. She teaches through her weekly podcast, Herbal Womb Wisdom, and her forthcoming online courses, where you can experience her practice of embodied herbalism first-hand.

Her greatest wish is for others to know the healing potential and kinship with the earth and the plants like she does.
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