πŸ”₯ Early Bird Exclusive: "Chatting with Wisdom" Livestream Series πŸ”₯

πŸ“… From February 12-23, join us daily for an enriching journey as we meet our inspirational speakers in a special edition of "Chatting with Wisdom" hosted by Geegado Megwan Kwe, Talking Feather Woman, aka Rollie.

🌟 Live Preview:

Get ready to dive into profound conversations that ignite your spirit! In this exclusive session, Geegado Megwan Kwe will sit down with the incredible Girisha Andrea Steigler, exploring Girish Andrea's talks titled:

Shattering the Shackles of Shame: Delve into the societal and personal roots of shame. Discuss strategies for recognizing, confronting, and healing shame to reclaim a sense of self-worth and empowerment.

Holistic Pleasure as a Pathway to Healing: Broaden the concept of pleasure beyond the physical, illustrating how engaging in activities that bring joy, satisfaction, and contentment can foster a deeper connection with oneself.

Integrating Body Positivity in the Journey to Self-Love: Encourage a transformative dialogue on body positivity, emphasizing the importance of nurturing love for one’s body as an integral element of overcoming shame and enhancing one's relationship with pleasure.Β 

πŸ’¬ What to Expect during these 14 days:

🌈 Deep Insights: Discover profound insights into shame, healing, pleasure, and self-love.

🀝 Engaging Conversations: Join a community of like-minded individuals in thought-provoking discussions.

πŸš€ Early Bird Pricing: Avail exclusive pricing on conference tickets during this limited-time offer.

🎟️ Secure Your Spot: Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary series. Grab your tickets now and unlock a world of empowerment, connection, and self-love.

πŸ‘‰ https://rollieallaire.ca/WIW-2024/ πŸ‘ˆ

This is your opportunity to engage with empowering speakers, connect with a vibrant community, and gain wisdom on healing, pleasure, body positivity, and self-love. Join us live - because your journey to empowerment starts here!Β 

#ChattingWithWisdom #EarlyBirdSpecial #ShameHealing #Pleasure #BodyPositivity #SelfLove #Empowerment #WomenInspiringWomenConference