Join Rollie Allaire, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, as she connects with Madison Madden for this week’s Chatting with Wisdom.
Chatting with Wisdom is a weekly interview series featuring amazing women. There are different ways that women are amazing. Let's celebrate that!
This week we will chat about, "Radical Self-Care & Lifestyle Medicine"

Madison Madden is a practitioner of Ayurvedic Medicine, Sustainability Educator, and expert Yoga & Somatic Practitioner. She is the author of MIND BODY FOOD: Redefining Your Relationship with Food. Having overcome a transformative battle with her own health starting as a child, Madison's story and gained expertise is deeply inspiring and hauntingly relevant to our times. She has a unique ability to bridge science and spirituality, health and environmentalism, and speak to many of the most pressing conflicts of our modern day in a personable yet exalted fashion.

Madison is an Ayurvedic Doctor (A.D.) member of the National Ayurvedic Medical Association and is the founder of LiveWise, an Ayurveda & Integrative Health Organization. She is a Climate Reality Leader with the Climate Reality Project, and serves on the Board of Directors of the Texas Ayurveda Professionals Association and Pacific Coast Community Acupuncture.

What does Self Love/Acceptance mean to you?
Radical honesty and seeing through the eyes of compassion for oneself and ones desires and history.
Connect with Madison:

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