Join Rollie Allaire, Holistic Life & Wellness Coach, as she connects with Tammy Johnston for this week’s Chatting with Wisdom.

Chatting with Wisdom is a weekly interview series featuring amazing women. There are different ways that women are amazing. Let's celebrate that!

This week we will chat about, "Moving from a J.O.B. to a Successful and Sustainable Business"

Tammy Johnston is the Hold Your Hand and Kick Your Ass Business Coach. She has been working with Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs, and Small Business Owners for over 20 years to help them build sustainable and successful businesses.

Tammy believes that business done right, honestly, ethically, and morally. It has the power to make the world a better place for our customers, our families, and our communities.

She doesn’t promise a magic bullet (because there is no such thing), but she does teach all the basic, foundational skills (mindset, habits, marketing, advisory team, financials, systems, cash flow, and profit) you need to first survive and then thrive. She only deals in real, practical, put it to use training and advice that has been tested in battle.

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