Lin Clark and Till Schneidereit from Mozilla discuss where WebAssembly came from and where it's going. WebAssembly was inspired by asm.js, a subset of JavaScript that could be compiled from a language such as C++. WebAssembly can take the idea further since it doesn't have the same limitations that JavaScript does.

Lin and Till talk about why even a front-end developer would use WebAssembly, which leads to a discussion on one of the primary use cases of WebAssembly, performance optimization. They also get into the nitty-gritty of WASI, or the WebAssembly System Interface, which allows WebAssembly to be used outside of the browser.

ResourcesLin Clark - Standardizing WASI: a system interface to run WebAssembly outside the webLin Clark - A cartoon intro to WebAssemblyRust and WebAssembly BookGuest: Lin ClarkGitHub: @linclarkTwitter: @linclarkWebsite: code-cartoons.comMozilla Hacks: @lclarkmozilla-comGuest: Till SchneidereitTwitter: @tschneidereitGithub: @tschneidereitHost: Kent C. DoddsWebsite: kentcdodds.comTwitter: @kentcdoddsGitHub: @kentcdoddsYouTube: Kent C. DoddsEpic React:


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