Episode 159: Finding Yourself with Rabbi Andy Warmflash

Title: Finding Yourself with Rabbi Andy Warmflash



As Rabbi Andy Warmflash's professional life came to an end, his world was flipped on its head. He had an abundance of time, but profound questions about his identity loomed. With a lifelong career as a rabbi, his job had defined him. 


However, Rabbi Andy was clear about a few things: he wanted to share the wealth of wisdom accumulated during his 40-year career, seek meaningful pursuits, savor life's joys, and, once the pandemic allowed, embark on new adventures and cherish time with his children and grandchildren. A recent move, made together with his wife to be near their kids, had shifted their roles from parenting to the pleasures of grandparenting.


What did this journey teach him? It was a trial by fire, forcing reinvention after a lifelong career. Even with his strengths and experience, he was creating a fresh chapter in his life story. Join us as we explore Rabbi Andy's transformative path and his insights into shaping a fulfilling next chapter.


In this episode, we discussed:


How Rabbi Andy grappled with unexpected guilt after retiring during the pandemic

Discovering a profound sense of unburdening after leaving work behind

Why Rabbi Andy went to therapy to figure out his identity in retirement 

The “hit and miss” search for meaningful volunteer opportunities

What lessons Rabbi Andy learned about himself after exiting the workforce

The impact of embracing discussions with diverse viewpoints


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