#012 -Welcome to Chatting with Channing, the podcast for Channing School that lets you, the listener, find out more by hearing from people throughout the school community. Each episode, you’ll hear real stories from staff, from pupils, from parents and the school’s alumnae, to give you a true reflection of life on Highgate Hill.

In this episode we’re speaking to Catherine Budgett-Meakin, she left the school back in 1964 so life back then will have, in some ways, been very different to life in 2022/23. We find out some of her memories of life in school, what that’s like when they’re mixed with life today in school, and how the school prepared her for life after Channing, something that’s so important today.

So for all that, and for much more, come with me now as Arabella speaks to Catherine Budgett-Meakin.

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