The Dolphins bring us a cleansing and healing for everyone who listens to the show (at any time!).  They will assist us in assimilating the intense Ascension energies we are receiving now.  They will explain to us why genuine service to others is the key to a succcessful and joyful era post RV/GCR.

St. Germain comes to give us his detailed tips for our exchange/redemption appointments. 

Meg and her Twin Flame Eoghan will get the whole thing started with one of their "On the Ground" reports.

Together we will say aloud the following decree/prayer from Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames.

Decree for Supply

Beloved Mighty Victorious I AM Presence, Beloved Lords of Manifestations, I call for the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, for your assistance in the release of the supply needed to fulfill my destiny here on Earth with ease and grace, and without financial limitations.

Release, release, release your unlimited supply of money and every perfect gift into my life and into the lives of all those who are serving the Light of Almighty God and fulfilling the divine plan on Earth.  (3 times)

I am the resurrection and the life of my every-present and increasing supply from the heart of God.  I acknowledge my I AM Presence as my Source for unlimited supply flowing through me in the service to the Light.  I AM the Master Presence manifesting a constant flow of wealth into my life to produce the perfection needed to manifest my divine plan on Earth in this life....

I AM the Master Presence directing and manifesting great abundance in my life, including all the money I will ever need from the great storehouse of Heaven....

...entire text is given on our email announcement today! 

Love, Kathryn, Christine and Meg