Hello, Family. 

Tonight Sananda will come to the radio show to answer the Top 10 Questions our audience has been asking about what's going on right now, including the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, and our current role fascilitating the release.

We have already received a number of imploring question, and now the Company of Heaven would like to extend the opportunity to get yours in.  Please reply in the next couple hours, by 6 PM EDT.  What would you ask the Company of Heaven?

Please look deeply into your hearts to decide what questions you might have, and what you think would be most  important for others at this time.  The COH says that what you find in your own heart will be representative of dinarland and our spiritual family. We will read them on the show, and Sananda will answer them.

We will read the following decree/prayer together, from Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames:

Flood the Earth with Radiant Ascension Flame

In the name of the victorious Presence of God, I AM, I call to the Masters of Light from the entire spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, Beloved Goddess of Purity, Beloved Serapis Bey, and the Brotherhood of the Ascension Flame at Luxor and Telos, Beloved Queen of Light and Beloved Angels of the Radiant Ascension Flame.

Flood every particle of life on Earth with oceans and oceans of Violet Fire and Ascension Flame.  Purify illumine and raise the consciousness of all life and all kingdoms evolving here.....

The entire piece is included in the email being sent out from us (Whoneedslight.org).  Join us in reading it aloud!

Please send your love and support to Christine.  She is very sick from the mold poisoning and from transmuting during these final hours.  As the cabal holds out, so does she.


Kathryn, Christine and Meg