
We want you all to know that we see the tremendous squeeze you are enduring as you hold the Light during this important moment.  It is the door for the RV/GCR along with the rest of the Prosperity and Freedom Programs that you are holding open.  We ask that you stay steady in your focus.  Imagine the qualities you want during and after the RV.  Imagine the feeings you will have at your redemption appointment as you gift others, as you realize the realize the worldwide announcement of GESARA.  Be at peace.  Your loving teams surround and uplift you.  Everything is as it is so that together we can claim this freedom for Earth now. 

We are with you, side by side.  Hold the Light.  I am your Sananda.


Thursday at 2 PM EDT Sananda will come to offer us a second program of answers to our top questions, as was planned previously: Sananda will come to the radio show to answer Questions our audience has been asking about what's going on right now, including the Freedom and Prosperity Programs, and our current role facilitating the release.


We have already received many imploring questions.You have looked deeply into your hearts to decide what questions you might have, and what you think would be most  important for others at this time. We thank you for your outpouring of responses. We will read them on the show, and Sananda will answer them.

We are heading into the final moments of this epic time.  Hold on, dear family of Light.  We're almost there!


Kathryn, Christine and Meg