Our old friend Gridstone, a representative from the Council of the Kingdoms comes to share with us the excitement and anticipation that is being experienced by the many Kingdoms of Earth as Humanity rises.  The leaders of these Kingdoms such as the elementals, animals, fairies and many more, eagerly await the release and fulfilment of the Freedom and Prosperity Programs for Humanity.  They know that Humanity's release from slavery and insomnia means peace, joy and freedom for All.

Adama brings a gift of his soothing Love as he explains how the Agarthans and other high dimensional societies of Inner Earth feel about the coming human events.

We will say the following prayer/decree/command/request from Aurelia Louise Jones' Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames for all to join in: 


For Victory Over Outer Conditions

In the name of Love, Wisdom and Power, by the authority and victory of my own Beloved I AM Presence, I demand and command every cell, atom and electron of my physical body to blaze with the sacred Fire of Invincible Love and Healing Flames from my beloved I AM Presence and the Ascended Masters of Light.

I ask for the action of the law of forgiveness for my every transgression of the law of Love in my daily life and the past.  I command the invincible Flames of Purity, of Protection, of Resurrection and Healing to blaze through my physical body, my emotional body, my mental body, my etheric body my inner child and my body elemental, daily and hourly.  In the name of love, I command my full mastery and victory over all outer conditions in my life to be made manifest. I also ask the opening and return of all my spiritual gifts.  And so it is, beloved I AM!

...(Oops, no more room.  :)) Please follow along with us for the rest.)

Love, Kathryn, Christine and Meg