Wynn caught up with Josh Kalderimis and Mathias Meyer from Travis CI to talk about hosted CI in the sky, scaling apps, and a little Riak.

Wynn caught up with Josh Kalderimis and Mathias Meyer from Travis CI to talk about hosted CI in the sky, scaling apps, and a little Riak.

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Notes and Links

Travis CI a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community.
Josh Kalderimis is a core Travis CI team member, Rails contributor, gem developer, and general serial coder.
Mathias Meyer, hacker on Travis, author of the Riak Handbook.
Travis now provides first class support for Python and Perl.
Travis also supports several versions of Ruby including Ruby hidHEAD.
[8:15] Mathias lays out the case for Travis vs. Jenkins, namely a streamlined user interface.
Travis runs almost exclusively on Heroku.
AMQP powers the message queues in Travis.
Keep an eye on Travis listener.
The GitHub service hook makes setting up your open source project on Travis a breeze.
If you’re a Travis user, show some love to keep the features coming.
GitHubber Rick Olson worked on some API features to help Travis more deeply integrate with GitHub.
Private repo support, aka Travis Pro™ is on its way. If you want to get in on the beta, donate to the project.
Donate $500, get an hour of pairing with Aaron Patterson, Yehuda Katz, José Valim, Jon Leighton, or other Ruby pro.
Mathias previously worked at Basho and The Riak Handbook is a collection of what he learned there.
José Valim is Josh’s programming hero for his code and community building.
Mathias is playing with Kestrel and Zookeeper.
Josh and Mathias like Celluloid.
Mike Perham’s Sidekiq has caught Josh and Mathias’ eye.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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