Wynn caught up with Phil Haack to talk about NuGet and growing the .NET open source community at GitHub.

Wynn caught up with Phil Haack to talk about NuGet and growing the .NET open source community at GitHub.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Phil Haack, GitHubber, Microsoft alumnus, .NET open source guy.
NuGet is a Visual Studio extension that makes it easy to install and update third-party libraries and tools in Visual Studio.
log4net is often an open source trojan horse in the proprietary enterprise.
NuGet features a command line interface and also integrates with SharpDevelop.
Wynn asks what impact the names .NET and C# have had on SEO and adoption of Microsoft technology.
C# is the #11 most popular language on GitHub.
Tiobe places C# as #3 overall.
Line endings in Git are everyone’s problem.
GitHub may or may not be working on (GitHub for Windows®)™.
Phil likes SignalR, an async signaling library for .NET to help build real-time, multi-user interactive web applications.
Jabbr is a chat client showcase for SignalR.
NancyFx is a lightweight, low-ceremony, framework for building HTTP based services on .NET and Mono.
OWIN defines a standard interface between .NET web servers and web applications, much like Rack for Ruby.
Sammy.js was also Rat Pack-inspired.
Phil thinks LINQ and Reactive Extensions (Rx) are some innovations in .NET that should influence the broader community.
The await keyword in C# 5 will accelerate async adoption in .NET.
Wynn <3’s Hubot and especially likes the Dude and Mustachify scripts.
David Fowler, developer on the ASP.NET team and who works on NuGet and SignalR inspires Phil.

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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