Steve and Wynn caught up with Dr. Nic from Engine Yard to talk about the cloud, Jenkins, Ruby, and lowering the barrier of entry for learning Rails on Windows.

Steve and Wynn caught up with Dr. Nic from Engine Yard to talk about the cloud, Jenkins, Ruby, and lowering the barrier of entry for learning Rails on Windows.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHubSteve Klabnik – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

Catch up with us at Red Dirt Ruby Conf
Steve will be at Codeconf
Kenneth will be covering PyCon 2011
Thanks for putting up with us for 50 episodes!
Dr. Nic Williams is Developer Advocate at Engine Yard has a ton of open source projects
Engine Yard uses Amazon AWS and Terremark
Dr. Nic actively and aggressively abandons most of his 154 public repos and feels good about it due to Git and GitHub
Steve maintains a couple of projects from _why
Dr. Nic liked how Jamis Buck declared he abandoned Capistrano
Dr. Nic prefers TextMate instead of “1960s technology”
Steve likes Janus for Vim
Steve asks about Redcar
Engine Yard has partnered with Appcelerator for mobile app developers
Dr. Nic helps maintain Rails Installer, the easiest way to get up and running with Ruby on Rails. For Windows. Mac and Linux coming soon.
Luis Lavena and Charles Nutter are core to the Ruby community
“If you have to put the shortcuts on a coffee mug!” - Dr. Nic on Vim
Jeremy Ashkenas from DocumentCloud is a regular on The Changelog for projects like Docco, CloudCrowd, Underscore.js, CoffeeScript
The Jenkins rename shows the power of the community to stick together
Dr. Nic is sticking with Jenkins, but Travis is worth a look for Rubyists
Someone send Dr. Nic an Octocat badge

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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