Steve and Wynn sat down with Eliot Horowitz from 10gen to talk about MongoDB, the NoSQL landscape, and the fun of building at Web Scale.

Steve and Wynn sat down with Eliot Horowitz from 10gen to talk about MongoDB, the NoSQL landscape, and the fun of building at Web Scale.

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Wynn Netherland – Twitter, GitHubSteve Klabnik – Twitter, GitHub, Website

Show Notes:

Eliot Horowitz CTO and Co-Founder of 10gen
Dwight Merriman CEO & Co-Founder at 10gen
NoSQL is a loose term for Key Value Stores, Graph Databases, and Document Databases
MongoDB still has a large roadmap ahead
MongoDB was first featured on The Changelog over a year ago
Single server durability tops the list of new additions in 1.8
Replica sets are an elaboration on the existing master/slave replication, adding automatic failover and automatic recovery of member nodes
Shutterfly and Foursquare boast some of the largest MongoDB implemenation
MongoDB’s sharding enables horizontal scaling across multiple nodes.
Mongo vs. Riak (and other Dynamo inspired stores)
Full vs. eventual consistency
Compound indexes
Increment operations
Be sure and check out our Riak interviews: Part 1 and Part 2
Mongo vs. CouchDB
Couch uses Map/Reduce views
Couch has great master-master replication
Couch runs on mobile
Mongo’s sharding is closer to a relational database
Mongo’s Geo features now support more precise, spherical geospatial indexing
Mongo shines at
User profiles
CMS data
Mongo enjoys wide language binding support
Eliot and 10gen think the Web Scale meme is all in good fun
BSON [bee · sahn], short for Bin­ary JSON, is a binary-encoded serialization of JSON-like documents
Our interview with Douglas Crockford on JSON
MongoDB 2.0 will be focusing on concurrency, aggregation, online compaction, and TTL temporal collections
Eliot likes Racket when he’s not slinging C.
Linus Torvalds is one of Eliot’s heroes

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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