Peter Bourgon joined the show to talk about building microservices using Go in the modern enterprise and his microservices toolkit Go kit.

Peter Bourgon joined the show to talk about building microservices using Go in the modern enterprise and his microservices toolkit Go kit.

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Peter Bourgon – Twitter, GitHub

Adam Stacoviak – Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Website

Notes and Links

Register for Gopher Slack and talk to Peter and other Gophers in Gopher Slack. Check out the #gotimefm channel and our Go Time podcast too.
Go kit: Go in the modern enterprise
(21) Go kit - Google Groups
Go and the Modern Enterprise - Peter Bourgon - London Go Gathering 2015 - YouTube
Gophercon 2015
Weaveworks • Weave - All you need to connect, observe and control your containers
The Changelog #3: Google’s Go Programming Language
kit/log at master · go-kit/kit
kit/metrics at master · go-kit/kit
kit/circuitbreaker at master · go-kit/kit
kit/loadbalancer at master · go-kit/kit
kit/ratelimit at master · go-kit/kit
kit/tracing at master · go-kit/kit
Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
Distributed Systems Tracing with Zipkin | Twitter Blogs
Announcing Appdash, an open-source perf tracing suite - The Sourcegraph Blog
Incubation Status Template - Apache Incubator
kit/addsvc at master · go-kit/kit

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