Brandon Mathis joined the show to tell us all about the much anticipated 3.0 release of Octopress - his Jekyll-based blogging framework for hackers. Octopress 3.0 is a complete rewrite and has been in the works for quite a while. We find out why Brandon decided to go for The Big Rewrite and what’s been taking so long (hint: it’s not because the dude’s been slackin’).

Brandon Mathis joined the show to tell us all about the much anticipated 3.0 release of Octopress - his Jekyll-based blogging framework for hackers. Octopress 3.0 is a complete rewrite and has been in the works for quite a while. We find out why Brandon decided to go for The Big Rewrite and what’s been taking so long (hint: it’s not because the dude’s been slackin’).

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Show Notes:

Brandon Mathis :: Design Enthusiast :: Blog
Brandon Mathis on CodePen
Octopress 3.0 is coming
The Web 2.0 Show #45: GitHub
David Lanham
Octopress GitHub Org
The Changelog #17: Open Source publishing with Geoffrey Grosenbach, Brandon Mathis, and Tim Caswell

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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