Wynn sat down with Chris Anderson from CouchBase to talk about CouchDB, the merger with Membase, Erlang, and bringing NoSQL to PHPers.

Wynn sat down with Chris Anderson from CouchBase to talk about CouchDB, the merger with Membase, Erlang, and bringing NoSQL to PHPers.

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Notes and Links

Chris Anderson is a Couchbase cofounder, Mobile Architect, CouchDB committer, new dad
The CouchDB music video (served up from CouchDB no less)
Chris sings the official CouchDB theme song to kick off Episode 0.1.8
Apache CouchDb is a distributed, fault-tolerant and schema-free document-oriented database accessible via a RESTful HTTP/JSON API.
Damien Katz is the creator of CouchDB.
CouchBase was formed from merging Membase and CouchOne
Chris is one of the rare CFOs with a GitHub account
CouchBase makes the case for NoSQL
Membase Server currently uses Sqlite under the hood, but will be swapped out for Couch’s storage engine soon
Mobile Couchbase runs on iOS and brings Couch to your mobile device
CouchApps are JavaScript and HTML5 applications served directly from CouchDB.
Zynga makers of Farmville use Membase
The CouchApp toolkit is now maintained by Benoît Chesneau
Aaron Miller led the charge to get Erlang on iOS, changing dynamic linking to static linking.
SpiderMonkey was included iOS for CouchMobile and its JIT compiler made it preferable to V8 or Nitro for Couch tasks.
GeoCouch adds geospatial features to CouchDB
Chris outlines the distinctives for Couch’s incremental Map/Reduce
Jason Smith in Thailand keeps the lights on for CouchBase hosting solutions
Cloudant offers hosting for Couch in the cloud
Wynn wants to see integration for CouchBase and Appcelerator Titanium
Todd Anderson has a great tutorial on using jQuery mobile and CouchDB
Damien Katz is Chris’ programming hero
Chris says working with Jan Lehnardt is a blast
Be sure and check out CouchDB - The Definitive Guide by Chris, Jan, and Noah

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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