Adam and Wynn were joined by Nathan Smith, creator of to talk about his new project Formalize and the latest news on The Changelog.

Adam and Wynn were joined by Nathan Smith, creator of to talk about his new project Formalize and the latest news on The Changelog.

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Show Notes:

Nathan Smith, front end dev, speaker, and author
960 Grid System is a versatile CSS grid framework
Formalize teaches your forms some manners
An exhaustive list of HTML5 cross-browser polyfills
Formalize even comes with Sass support out of the box
Compass’s CSS3 module is powerful
Wynn <3 Mustache
Adam writes Sass but converts his stylesheets to SCSS for those who prefer it
Haml means never looking for a missing </div> ever again
The Changelog on Convore
HSLPicker - Most excellent color picker for your enjoyment
Fancy buttons makes your buttons fancy with CSS
Octopress is a blogging framework for hackers
Brandon was on Episode 0.1.7 on open source publishing
Nesta CMS is our favorite Ruby CMS
reveal: jQuery modal for HTML5 and data attributes
Zurb’s CSS playground is awesome
rawler: Crawl your website and find broken links with Ruby
Inception explained in C code
JavaScript version of the Inception code, demonstrating
BeerCamp 2011 site design is fun (scroll all the way down)
compass-magick: Extend Sass with power of ImageMagick
jQuery Mobile Alpha 3 released
Nathan recently spoke at DrupalCon in Chicago on his jQuery desktop project
Adam is tickled SourceForge runs Grid Coordinates
The Open Government project demonstrates how the space is growing
Stylus from LearnBoost brings Node.js-flavored CSS preprocessing
Zeldman on designers who can’t code
Adam loves the work of Mike Kus
Wynn’s rant should be read as ten things you can do to spread the word about your open source project
Wynn’s post actually spurred Nathan to create a homepage at
Ryan Bates’ Railscasts are awesome
Jenkins née Hudson almost became Alfred
Nathan loves Alfred app
Adam and Wynn are on Team Launchbar
Nathan stumbled across a really neat way to target Firefox in CSS

Something missing or broken? PRs welcome!

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