Hi there and welcome to the introduction for Change Your Life Forever. It is a short into to let you know about our website and how it can help you change your life.

I'm Scott the producer of the podcast and I want to share as much information as I can to help you live a fulfilled life and look at life in a different way. To be able to control your thoughts and your feelings and always come out with positive outcomes.

Life can be hard and it can throw lots of crap at us at times. But once we raise ourselves above this and see life for what it is. We can control our destiny and we can become the best that we can be.

So come and join me for some inspiration and let me encourage you to live the best life you can moving forward.

Also check out the website at https://changeyourlifeforever.co.uk for a video series that will highlight we what the things in life are that we need to change to live happily. 

Wishing you all the very best in life Scott Adams