You’re not supposed to be so blined with patriotism that you can't face reality.  Wrong is wrong no matter who says it.” -Malcolm X.  Glenn Block has this quote at the top of his LinkedIn page.  Glenn has a wonderfully complex set of accomplishments, and just as importantly, goals that he is committing his life to achieving.  He holds and MBA from Seatlle University Leadership Executive program and is and expert in technology   he is an entrepreneur and mentor, an advocate and an accomplice for change.  He has a 25 year history of leading teams in technology from conception to fruition.  He is actively trying to bring diversity and inclusion into the tech world.  “It’s not about equality, it's about equity.”  Institutionalized racism, social and racial justice as well as access are just a few of the missions that he is passionate about challenging.  He is here to talk with JD about all of this and more.

What You Will Hear:

Alliedship vs AlliesTitle vs. Doing the workGlenn’s background and how he learned about racial injusticeLearned racismBecoming muslim and lifechanging eventsEquity vs. EqualityPrivilegeLaw Enforcement The impact wordsIntention, action, accountability and unlearningMentoring black women and sustainabilityPolicy and accountability


“What can I do as a white, cis gender male to better support people that come from marginalized backgrounds.”

“I always knew there were inequities, but not realizing how much the system is stacked against black people and how deep those institutions run.”

“Change is not gonna happen if people are comfortable”

“Whether you have good intent or not, harm is harm.”

“The only way you're going to stop the harm is by having policies and accountability.”


Denise Branch

New Jim Crow


Future For Us

Black Women Talk Tech


The Memo

ERG - Employee Resource Group
