Jessica Wilson,  is a co-creator of the Amplify Melanated Voices challenge that went viral in 2020. She is a clinical dietitian, consultant and author, whose experiences navigating the dietetic fields as a Black, queer dietitian have been featured on public radio shows and in print media, including the New York Times, Bustle, and Cronkite News. Jessica has worked as a clinical dietitian since 2007 and is acutely aware of how both the public health and medical framing of “healthy eating” and “obesity” has contributed to disordered eating and self-blame. Jessica co-hosted My Black Body Podcast, which changed the conversation about who has eating disorders and how treatment fails so many people.  Her book, It’s Always Been Ours; Rewriting the Story of Black Women’s Bodies was published on February 7, 2023, and we can’t wait to talk all about it today on CTN with JD Fuller. 

What You Will Hear:

Who decides what size you are and what is healthy for you?Questioning her educationIntegrating therapy and nutrition.  Identity developmentWhite Supremacy, redlining and accessWhat we can do to help. NormingVeganism and what is truly considered best for individualsIndividuality in collective cultures


“I really want people to have different perspectives on what it means to be be healthy.”

“It's challenging to have people embrace their culture when it has turned on them.”

“Only eating when you're hungry for physiological needs is the same concept as having sex only for procreation.

“Food is the source of happiness.“





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