Hello, everyone. Welcome back to CEO Secrets. Today, I am excited to be joined by another real estate technology entrepreneur. Join me in welcoming, Dan Corkill.

Dan Corkill is the CEO & Co-Founder of Follow Up Boss. A full-scale sales solution for top-performing real estate teams and agents. Dan is an entrepreneur, has a background in finance, and also worked for a marketing company. In 2011, he was invited by his friend to put up a software company even though he had no tech background. Today, they are serving thousands of real estate professionals, helping them with their day-to-day businesses.

Let us hear from Dan how Follow Up Boss started, the challenges of funding a new company, and how they were able to establish their brand despite struggles and challenges.

Top Takeaways:

1. How Follow Up Boss is different from other tech company (3:59)

2. What Dan and his partner did to fund their company (7:03)

3. Determining what to focus on as a start-up business (9:28)

4. How to convince people to buy a newly launched product with limited features (12:01)

5. Challenges in adding new features requested by the customers (15:07)

6. The biggest mistake Broker/Owners do in terms of using technology (23:04)

7. The future of technology in real estate (26:01)

8. New shiny object Dan recommends promoting accountability (46:48)

9. The job description of a CEO (52:13)

To know more about Follow Up Boss, visit www.followupboss.com

Episode Transcript:
