Hi everyone and welcome to CEO Secrets.  Today, we have a serial entrepreneur, successful Youtuber and author of the best-selling book, The Real Before The Estate, Chastin J. Miles.

Right after college, Chastin tried his luck in the real estate world but quickly found out that it was not all as he hoped it would be. He realized that getting that license costs a lot and soon he ran out of money.  After taking on other jobs, he tried his luck again but this time he was armed with passion and determination to make it. Chastin knew that his story is not unique. There are others out there who are struggling to become successful in real estate.  So he made it his mission to share his success story to enrich and empower real estate entrepreneurs nationwide.  

Let’s hear from Chastin on what his secrets are on growing his Youtube following, his tips for building your own brand and what advice he has for those who want to be successful in their own real estate careers.

Top Takeaways:

How to make your video content engaging (05:05)

How to generate leads through videos (08:13)

Chastin’s secret recipe for a successful Youtube video (14:34)

Chastin’s Big Hairy Audacious Goal (23:27)

What lead generation tools Chastin uses for his business (38:23)

Episode Transcript:
