Hello everyone! Welcome back to CEO Secrets. I have an exciting guest for today, let's welcome Colton Lindsay, CEO at The WGR Real Estate Sales Team.

Colton Lindsay became ranked in the Top 1% of the sales agents in his real estate market by the age of 28. He averages 75 home sales a year working only 4 days a week. Lindsay is internationally recognized as a prospecting expert and inner game master.

Let's hear today from Colton how he built his real estate sales empire and how he became financially free at a very young age.

Top Takeaways:

1. Marketing and advertising on social media platforms (1:45)

2. Understanding your purpose in life (14:15)

3. Colton's wealth-building affiliations (15:10)

4. Huge opportunity with Infoprenuership (23:56)

5. How Colton developed his prospecting skills (26:13)

6. Colton's insights on what's happening today (35:10)

Episode Transcript:
