Welcome to the ManMade Podcast

This Podcast is with Shawn Helvey and Adam Thorne. Shawn is a licensed behavioral health counselor and Adam is a graduate student in behavioral health counseling. They’ve known each other for over 25 years and talk every week about the trials and tribulations of life.

Good sleep is the secret handshake into the elite club of sanity. Think of it as the brain's nightly retreat to a five-star resort where every neuron is pampered and prepped to take on tomorrow's emotional rollercoasters. Shortchange your slumber, and your mind turns into a clumsy juggler of moods, dropping balls left and right.

To win the pillow's favor, one must master the bedtime ballet. Slip into your most embarrassingly old PJs, and practice the sacred ritual of the screen ban, dodging the blue light demon like it's last year's meme. Counting sheep may be out, but a steadfast “lights out” policy remains a golden oldie. Embrace these snooze-inducing spells, and your mental health will thank you—with less of the drama and more of the dreamland!

Some resources that may be useful:

5 Tips to Improve Your Sleep


Contact us at: [email protected]