Welcome to the ManMade Podcast

This Podcast is with Shawn Helvey and Adam Thorne. Shawn is a licensed behavioral health counselor and Adam is a graduate student in behavioral health counseling. They’ve known each other for over 25 years and talk every week about the trials and tribulations of life.


In the grand obstacle course of therapy, 'resistance' is that cheeky monkey wrench your brain throws into the machinery. Imagine it: there you are, jogging along the therapeutic path, leaping over childhood traumas, sidestepping anxiety banana peels, and high-fiving your inner child, when this sly nemesis pops up. It convinces you that those emotional potholes are just "fine" the way they are, thank you very much. But here's the fun twist: overcoming resistance is like finding a secret warp tunnel that propels you forward, Mario Kart-style. By confronting this crafty adversary, you don't just continue the race; you turbo-boost with star power! You pivot around mental roadblocks, discovering that they were actually made of squishy stress-marshmallows. Resistance may try to spoil the party, but once you push past it, you realize you've gained XP in emotional resilience, unlocked the "Self-Compassion" achievement, and can now sport sparkling, new self-awareness sneakers for the rest of your run. So, let's thank our pesky pal, resistance; without it, we'd never know how satisfying it is to say, "Ha! Outran ya!" as we blaze a trail toward mental victory.


Some resources that may be useful:

Steven Pressfield


Contact us at: [email protected]