Welcome to the ManMade Podcast

This Podcast is with Shawn Helvey and Adam Thorne. Shawn is a licensed behavioral health counselor and Adam is a graduate student in behavioral health counselling. They’ve known each other for over 25 years and talk every week about the trials and tribulations of life.


Meta communication in the realm of mental health is like having a chat about having a chat, which sounds like a lot of talking about talking, but trust me, it's worth it! Picture this: you're in a heated argument with your inner critic, and instead of getting caught up in the drama of self-doubt, you pause and say, "Hey, inner critic, why are we even having this argument?" It's like catching a plot hole in a bad movie – you're breaking the fourth wall of your own mind! This meta-level conversation can be a game-changer because it helps you step back from the emotional rollercoaster and see the bigger picture. So, remember, next time your inner critic starts ranting, tell it, "Hold up, we need to talk about how we're talking about this!" It's like therapy for your thoughts.


Some resources that may be useful:


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