Welcome to the ManMade Podcast

This Podcast is with Shawn Helvey and Adam Thorne. Shawn is a licensed behavioral health counselor and Adam is a graduate student in behavioral health counselling. They’ve known each other for over 25 years and talk every week about the trials and tribulations of life.

Imagine Chaos walking into a room – it's like a tornado with commitment issues. Chaos can't find its socks, let alone its life's direction. It's like trying to follow a map drawn by a caffeinated squirrel. You're looking for your keys in the fridge and wondering how socks ended up in your cereal box. Living in chaos is like participating in a reality show where the rules change every minute. Making impulsive decisions in this chaos is like trying to catch a greased pig – exhausting and destined for laughs (or maybe just faceplants). Escaping chaos by binge-watching reality TV might feel like a master plan, but it's more like running from a bear with a "Free Hugs" sign – disaster awaits. Instead, let's talk about organizing. Yes, it's scarier than a horror movie for your clutter, but it's like giving chaos an eviction notice. Take an inventory of yourself, but be prepared to find oddities like that lost sock from earlier. And when the chaos subsides (just like the sugar rush after a candy binge), set some goals. Not like "Find Atlantis" goals, but realistic ones. It's like treating your life like a well-organized closet – still a mystery, but at least you're not buried under an avalanche of unmatched socks.


Some resources that may be useful:



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