Celebrate International Mindfulness Day with me with a guided 6-minute meditation you can practice anywhere you are in this present moment. This guided practice helps build our capacity to be with what is. To accept the conditions that are present so there is no energy wasted on resisting (which can be challenging!). We feel more empowered when we can accept and embrace the present moment, even if the moment isn't pleasant. Take a moment to pause with me. Share this episode with someone else in their life that could benefit from slowing down.


Did you enjoy that practice? If so, I welcome you to keep strengthening those mindfulness muslces and join me for the Mindful Moment Meditation Series that starts October 1st. Learn more and sign-up here. This program is for anyone and everyone who is interested in starting or deepening their meditation and mindfulness practice. 


Want to watch the video recording of this meditation? Join me on Instagram @OneWade.