On today's podcast, Lisa Lewis Miller, author and founder of Career Clarity, joins us to explore how we can stay centered while making a career change. Lisa emphasizes the importance of exploring our values, who we want to be, what lifestyle we want to have before taking action. Most of us can get stressed and overwhelmed in the job searching process, but Lisa explains the key to managing overwhelm is by taking such small steps we hardly feel like we are taking action. For instance, start by telling a trusted friend you are interested in making a career move! She explains how this is a powerful practice that creates a snowball of effects. Lisa also drops wisdom for how perfectionists and people-pleasers can use mindfulness to untangle from unhelpful patterns and actually find work that fuels their soul. Take a listen and share your thoughts with us on Instagram @OneWade and @CareerClarity.


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If there’s a job out there, Lisa Lewis Miller has probably done it. Lisa is a career change expert, author, and the founder of Career Clarity, a company helping individuals step into the careers they’ve been dreaming of.

Her path evolved into coaching after working in digital marketing for nearly a decade at companies like 2U, Edelman, the American Cancer Society, Teen Vogue, Seventeen, Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship and CBS College Sports.

Lisa has been featured in The Washington Post, Business Insider, US News and World Report, Fast Company, Refinery29 and more, and received her coaching certification as one of only 7 coaches in the world trained in the Pivot Method. Clients praise her ability to see through their excuses, champion their possibilities, and give resume reviews that are like “purifying hellfire.”

Lisa received her bachelor’s degree in economics from Barnard College in New York City and currently lives in Colorado with her husband.

If you’re looking for someone who will believe in your potential career happiness as strongly as you do — and help equip you with the ideas and resources to make it happen — you can learn more about Lisa’s work at GetCareerClarity.com.