Mother's Day is a particularly challenging day for many people who have lost their mothers. This will be my 11th year celebrating Mother's Day without my mom physically present and it doesn't get easier. That's why I invited, Lizzie Braicks-Rinker, a holistic health and fitness coach onto this week's podcast. Lizzie and I get real and vulnerable about managing grief after losing our mothers 10 plus years ago. We explore how to manage our grief, practice self-care and celebrate our love for our moms in this new "womanhood" phase of life. Grab a box of tissues and get cozy as you listen in. Feel free to share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @DonutsandDownDog.


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Lizzie Braicks-Rinker is a holistic health and fitness coach based in Seattle, WA. Lizzie combines her certifications in holistic health coaching, personal training, yoga, Pilates, and fitness with her experience as a D1 athlete to give women no-bullshit strategies for finding energy and balance in their everyday lives - without burning the candle at both ends. She's passionate about snacks, naps,  filling up her camera roll with photos of her dogs, and grandma crafts. You can learn more at her website,