Our world is calling for more compassionate leadership. As technology speeds up and the rhythm of life creates more chaos, we need compassionate leaders to help lead the way with courage and care. Leaders also need compassionate training to feel resourced to prevent burnout and create a work culture of psychological safety, transparency and trust. Today on the pod, Janine Johnston and I explore compassionate leadership in more detail. We also discuss an upcoming training we are offering online through St Regis University's Anderson College of Business & Computing. Take a listen to the episode and let us know what resonates. 


Learn more about the Compassionate Leadership Training: Skills AI Can't Replace here. Sign up for early bird by November 10th and gain access to a group discount rate.  


Episode 153: Compassion is a Powerful Antidote to the Loneliness Epidemic 


Janine Johnston empowers leaders and staff in the mental health sector and real estate industry, as well as in schools and universities with resilience skills. She specializes in helping individuals and institutions gain awareness about their relationship to self (as an inner ally); heightening one's ability to understand and work through conflict, building resilience and harnessing growth; as well as connecting with others (in communities defined by businesses, educational institutions and families). As the mother and daughter of women with dyslexia and on the spectrum, Janine dedicates part of her life to empowering those with learning differences and neurological diversity. She is a solution-focused coach, certified Mindfulness Facilitator through UCLA's Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior and Trained Teacher of Dr. Kristin Neff and Dr. Chris Germer's Mindful Self-Compassion Program through the Center for Mindful Self-Compassion.

Additionally, Janine is a Certified Academic Language Therapist (CALT) and has a sub-specialization in unleashing the brilliance of organizational leaders and students with ADD, dyslexia, and autism. As a bilingual speaker of English and Spanish, she teaches and facilitates in both languages around the world. As a coach, she has worked with executives and managers throughout the US, Ireland, Germany, and South Africa in companies such as SAP and US Bank as well as local small businesses and non-profit organizations. Janine supports leaders and young people in balancing aspirations and high standards with inner validation and motivational skills rooted in compassion.