On today's podcast, I get to talk to one of my closest mentors and personal coaches, Krista Petty. Krista shares how we can live more fully in our bodies by paying attention to sensations. We discuss how culturally conditioned we are to live in our minds and that it is a practice to learn how to listen to our bodies. Krista shares how we can make decisions by listening to our bodies instead of getting trapped in analysis paralysis or the endless pro/con list. We also discuss how to navigate the holidays while listening and nourishing ourselves. Take a listen to the whole episode and share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @KristaPettyRaimer 


Having a mindfulness practice is one of the most impactful ways I have learned how to listen and live from my body. It has helped me cut out the external and internal chaotic noise so that I can listen to my inner wisdom. Join us on Centered in the City where I support you in building and sustaining a mindfulness-based ritual so that you too can connect with yourself on a deeper level. Sign up for your 7-day free trial here. 




Coach. Trainer. Evocateur. Possibilitarian.  Krista believes there is an innate wisdom in the body that can open us to greater possibilities of living, loving and learning.  Through her somatic-centered coaching, she is passionate about championing others to move beyond limitations and live a life they love!  She has devoted her skills and talents to creating experiential learning environments that evoke the depth and greater dimensions of human being.  This is her life's work.  What an amazing dance!  Krista is the CEO and Founder of Boldly Embody Life.  She lives in beautiful Montana and brings her power-house coaching and phenomenal workshops to various cities and countries around the world.  


On today's podcast, I get to talk to one of my closest mentors and personal coaches, Krista Petty. Krista shares how we can live more fully in our bodies by paying attention to sensations. We discuss how culturally conditioned we are to live in our minds and that it is a practice to learn how to listen to our bodies. Krista shares how we can make decisions by listening to our bodies instead of getting trapped in analysis paralysis or the endless pro/con list. We also discuss how to navigate the holidays while listening and nourishing ourselves. Take a listen to the whole episode and share your takeaways with us on Instagram @OneWade and @KristaPettyRaimer 


Having a mindfulness practice is one of the most impactful ways I have learned how to listen and live from my body. It has helped me cut out the external and internal chaotic noise so that I can listen to my inner wisdom. Join us on Centered in the City where I support you in building and sustaining a mindfulness-based ritual so that you too can connect with yourself on a deeper level. Sign up for your 7-day free trial here. 




Coach. Trainer. Evocateur. Possibilitarian.  Krista believes there is an innate wisdom in the body that can open us to greater possibilities of living, loving and learning.  Through her somatic-centered coaching, she is passionate about championing others to move beyond limitations and live a life they love!  She has devoted her skills and talents to creating experiential learning environments that evoke the depth and greater dimensions of human being.  This is her life's work.  What an amazing dance!  Krista is the CEO and Founder of Boldly Embody Life.  She lives in beautiful Montana and brings her power-house coaching and phenomenal workshops to various cities and countries around the world.