Do you ever feel triggered by something or someone and it makes you want to scream and throw a temper tantrum? Yup! We have all been there!

Maybe it tends to happen with your partner, family member, co-worker or a random person on the street . We all have had our moments when we lose control and our emotions get super big and heavy. Our response in these outbursts might turn into anger, sadness, frustration and disappointed, just to name a few. When we get triggered and upset, it is typically because a need of ours is not being met. We might not even have awareness or language to know what our need is asking for as well as how to articulate and communicate our needs to others. 

Slowing down when we are upset, can help us be more curious and have the ability to listen and learn. So the next time you feel emotionally triggered, see if you can separate yourself from the argument or situation and listen to this meditation. Allow yourself to be curious and honor your own needs. By stepping away you will gain some clarity that will help you heal/mend the situation.