This podcast is focused on Heart Chakra, and the difference between the Emotional and Spiritual Heart. Heart is the most symbolic organ in our body and has physiological, emotional, and spiritual function. In fact, we have a physiological heart, an emotional heart, and a spiritual heart. Our physiological heart brings vitality and life energy to all other organs in our body. Our emotional heart helps us feel and process the emotions our rational mind is incapable of feeling or processing. Our spiritual heart is different from the other two, as it is the point of access to our Soul and the spiritual inner world we are a part of. 

The goal of this presentation is to raise awareness about our heart and its emotional and spiritual dimensions. More specifically, we cover the following topics:

- Heart as a Conscious and Independent Organ 

- Heart as an Emotional and Empathic Organ

- Heart as a Spiritual and Visionary Organ 

- Heart Chakra: the Portal to the Spiritual Heart 

- The Key to Opening the Heart Chakra 

This podcast is produced by Aion Farvahar, who is a Life and Spirituality Mentor, and a Psychoshamanic and IFS Self-Leadership Practitioner. For more information about Aion Farvahar or Celestial Twin Life Mentorship visit:

- Celestial Twin Website (

- About Aion Farvahar (

- Celestial Twin YouTube Channel (


Reference Links:

- Artist Behind Expressive Images used here:

- Great Resources Related to Heart's Consciousness:




Background Music:

CC-BY by Artist: Meydän, Track: Away, 

Artist's Website (  



The ideas presented here are based on personal perspectives, experience, or research, and are not meant to reflect any scientific or academic argument. No part of this podcasts may be reproduced or used without written permission from Celestial Twin Life Mentorship or Aion Farvahar ( Use of brief quotations is permitted, if providing a clear attribution and link to the original post. 
