This podcast is focused on Fate, Destiny, and Free Will. It explains the difference between Fate and Destiny, and how Free Will is related to them. It also covers Astral Fate and Teleological Fate and why they are important to one's Destiny.  

Understanding how Fate affects you is essential, especially if you are someone who believes there is more to life than what you currently experience. This presentation explains the difference between Fate and Destiny, and what role your Free Will plays in relationship to them. More specifically, we cover on the following topics:

- Understanding the relationship between Fate, Destiny, and Free Will

- Understanding the Purpose and the Components of Fate (Astral and Teleological Fate)

- The Astral Fate (Astrological and Psychological Aspects of Fate)

- The Teleological Fate (Destiny and Individuative Aspects of Fate)

- How to Find Your Life’s Purpose and Destiny 

- And, How to Exercise Your Free Will (Noticing the Illusion of Choice)

This podcast is produced by Aion Farvahar, who is a Life and Spirituality Mentor, and a Psychoshamanic and IFS Self-Leadership Practitioner. For more information about Aion Farvahar or Celestial Twin Life Mentorship visit:

- Celestial Twin Website (

- About Aion Farvahar (

- Celestial Twin YouTube Channel (

Reference Links:

-  Finding Your Purpose:

- Ultimate Guide to Inner Work:

- Opening Your Heart:

- Awakening Your Soul:

- Soul, Celestial Twin, and Daimon:

Background Music:

CC-BY by Artist: Meydän, Track: Away, 

Artist's Website (  


The ideas presented here are based on personal perspectives, experience, or research, and are not meant to reflect any scientific or academic argument. No part of this podcasts may be reproduced or used without written permission from Celestial Twin Life Mentorship or Aion Farvahar ( Use of brief quotations is permitted, if providing a clear attribution and link to the original post. 
