We all have things we do that we wish we didn't. Things we're ashamed of. Things we don't want anyone to know about.

We're desperate to change, but no matter how hard we try we simply cannot escape!

This is where coaching is so different!

Different from therapy, just "dealing" with the effects! Different from self-help books, you need a guide! Different from going alone, your coach has your back!

Join me in this episode as Joseph Warren, another well established coach, talks about how he works.

We start with a discussion about anger, and how men can deal with anger. We quickly move on to the nature of how coaching works, and why it is just so different!

Joseph describes the problems in our heads as "rocks." He invites us all to get a coach and blow up these rocks that are not only keeping us from our dreams, but even threatening what we hold dear.

You can read more about Joseph at his website: https://www.josephwarren.net/

You can find his podcast at https://www.josephwarren.net/brokencatholic

You can get his book for free at https://freepurposebook.com/