Guest - Jen Spencer - Vice President of Sales & Marketing, SmartBug Media

Jen Spencer joins us on the Catalyst Sale Podcast this week to discuss partners - where to start, what works, common errors, and how to reduce risk.  Mike and I also share our experience with partners, both as a partner and a company looking for partners. Jen shares her expertise, and fills in the blanks.

Partners can accelerate your path to revenue.  They can open up new markets, and provide an opportunity to test feasibility and fit.

Questions we address How do you identify good partners? When is it time to exit a partnership? What should a partner on-boarding program include? Why might you choose a partner approach? What are some of the common errors when building a partner program? Key Takeaways Begin with the end in mind (This is an ongoing theme that most listeners will recognize) Treat your partners like you would treat your direct sales team Continue to evaluate success and adapt the relationship as necessary.

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Catalyst Sale Service Offerings

Growth Acceleration - Plateau Breakthrough

Product Market Fit


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Catalyst Sale

In every business, in every opportunity, there is someone who can help you navigate the internal challenges and close the deal.  There is a Catalyst.  We integrate process (Catalyst Sale Process), technology and people, with the purpose of accelerating revenue. Our thoughtful approach minimizes false starts that are common in emerging markets and high-growth environments. We continue to evolve our practice based on customer needs and emerging technology. We care about a thinking process that enables results versus a process that tells people what to do.  

Sales is a Thinking Process.

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