On this episode, Mike is joined by Chris Ronzio. Chris is the Founder and CEO of Trainual. They discuss entrepreneurship, company culture and growing your business. 

Questions Answered:

What are the different stages of being an entrepreneur? Why is there a negative connotation to being self-employed? How can we improve communication with peers? How can we create a company culture with a remote staff? How can we scale our business? Why do we struggle with scaling? How do you create focus?

Key Takeaways:

  • Investing in experiences for your team gives them trust that they can communicate with each other.
  • Quarterly Planning retreats, monthly outings, etc...set the foundation for communication following the interactions.
  • It is crucial to have an open line of communication.
  • Physical events, meeting together is very important to maintain a strong culture with a remote staff.
  • Do It, Document It, Delegate It®. This is how you clone yourself.
  • It sounds simple, but you need to follow the process for everything in your business.
  • Delegation is hard, especially with things you are good at or enjoy.
  • It is important to stop doing the things you are good at and stretch yourself.
  • It is easier than ever to start a business because of all the tools that exist.
  • It is harder than ever to scale because it is hard to hand off stuff.
  • 90 challenges (both personally and professionally) help to stay focused.
  • Annual planning and then checking in quarterly and monthly helps with focus.

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