I know that many of us have felt some serious business strain and stress from the COVID 19 pandemic so I wanted to bring in someone that can share some ideas about how we can shift our mindset and our business during this challenging time in our lives.

Brian Bogert is a human behavior and performance coach, speaker, business strategist and philanthropic leader who helps people make their best even better.

Check out episode 136 of Podcasting Business School as Brian and I discuss:

The tragic injury he had when he was a child and how that shaped his mindset moving forward. The reason we should all shift out mental conversation to asking ourselves "WHAT" based questions instead of "WHY" based questions right now. How he has pivoted his online brand and marketing strategies during the pandemic. His advice for someone that is wanting to continue to grow their brand right now and make their business "pandemic proof". 

Here is how you can connect with Brian: https://brianbogert.com/


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