If you are a podcaster that is interested in ramping up your downloads and connecting with ideal podcast listeners that may turn into customers.....this technique will be your JAM!

Now, that being said, this is NOT a "quick and easy fix" type of a method. You are going to have to put in some work, plant some seeds, nurture relationships, and then the harvest comes!

Check out episode 135 of Podcasting Business School as I dive through the details of my FB Group Expert Method where I will discuss:

The key questions you need to understand about your ideal podcast listeners. How to figure out where your ideal listeners are hanging out on Facebook. Criteria for how to choose which FB groups you want to start adding value to as an expert. The EXACT participation methods that are working well for me while respecting the rules of each community I'm a part of. Some BONUS connection tips that will take your networking game to the next level!



Ready to stop hearing crickets when you release new episodes? Check out my brand new Download Growth Club
