What’s a simple way to make more sales and reduce customer acquisition costs?

A referral program.

Jay Gibb is Founder and CEO of ClouodSponge, the most effective way to get people to share eCommerce products with people they know.

CloudSponge has helped thousands of companies--like StitchFix, Reebok, JustFab and more—create an evergreen acquisition system with referrals.

The mechanics of a referral system are critical to its success, which is where Jay’s expertise is so valuable.

In this conversation, we cover the various elements of a referral program:
• How to double the performance of your existing referral program
• 3 sharing features that are essential for every e-commerce store
• Positioning your sharing features on your e-commerce website

Jay put together a free guide to help identify opportunities with your referral program:

Download it for free here:
