Biff and Jacques have been pals with Hafen for over 25 years.  1998 to 2004 Jacques doesn’t think he hung out with any one person more.


Joe first met Hafen when they were in Jacques’ Starter Wedding together in 1999 (bit of talk about that infamous wedding event on this episode.)


THIS is our first 2-part episode.  Part 2 will drop next week.


It was decided that we will have Hafen back in a few months to let Biff and Joe formulate more questions and ponder am I (attempting) to be funny or is it possible Hafen is Jason Bourne.  As Jacques said … He loves Hafen.  He’s closer to Hafen then his own brother.  He has no idea who Hafen is.


Jacques case is this:  Since 2004 Hafen left LA to allegedly go back to grad school in Washington in his early 30s for a masters in weather mapping that would take him to far reaching points on globe.  Hafen has little immediate family.  Is good looking and charming.  Super strong and a good athlete.  Degree from top engineering college in Applied Physics and mechanical engineering.  Self-taught computer expert (started in the 80’s) and is at highest level programing and hacking, Speaks a few languages. Has called several countries on 3 continents “Home” in last decade.  His career (and starting with grad school in 04) has him in remote areas and places where power going out for days is the norm … or he’s on insane deadline plus 9-hour time zones different so we can’t talk for days/weeks … in other words plausible deniability of being off the grid while doing M.I.5 stuff in Africa.


Here is ALL his social media links: There Are None.

CPP on IG: @CarnivalPersonnelPodcast and on Twitter: @Carnival Podcast                                                                                            

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: Theme To Bourne Identity by Moby (totally used without permission.)


Closing Song: Tucker by Dan Cray and Beyond Id (off 2023 release: The Trump Era.  On and Spotify)