HOW did we talk Hafen doing weather mapping in Africa and NONE of us made a Toto reference?  WOW!


So part 2 of our talk with long time pal Hafen (allegedly) zooming in from Sweden where (allegedly) he has become a citizen.


We get more into the weeds where I put the case out there that this guy … who has ALL the intangibles a government toppling clandestine black ops off the books organization would recruit – SO well rounded with degree in mechanical engineering / applied physics from top university … near 40 years of programing (hacking) and (alleged) Masters in climate science, speaks several languages, charming, good looking, no drug/alcohol issues, no ex-wife or kids, very little immediate family … works in field where totally plausible to drop off grid globally and be out of reach without raising any red flags for weeks … months …


In 6 months … if Joe, Biff and Jacques haven’t meet their collective demise in some weird bizarre strangely coincidental manor … and Haf hasn’t fallen off the flat earth on a mission … we will circle back and Biff and Joe solo will chat with Haf and see what questions and conclusions they come back with.


Here is ALL Hafen’s social media links: There Are None.

CPP on IG: @CarnivalPersonnelPodcast and on Twitter: @Carnival Podcast                                                                                           

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: Theme To James Bond by Moby (totally used without permission.)


Closing Song: Recess by Dan Cray and Beyond Id (like 1991 I think)