No Biff … mostly because Jacques is too dumb to know how the days of the week work.


Jacques had a few “Booked” shows cancel (studio audience sighs) BUT some time the comedy gods (small G) take away and sometimes they give as just as quickly a couple very cool comedy ops fell his way.


Joe, Jacques and his managers wife’s life are so much better with the podcast Strike Force 5 (and Open Mic Pain) bringing so much joy into their lives. Give em a listen.


Joe game system tinkering continues, Jacques doing a 24-Hour-Film-Festival and Aaron Rodgers Achilles heel is busted buy his big mouth is working overtime.


Jacques goes from having ZERO sports kids to having 2 sports kids and is draining and awesome.


So much TV and so little time: Only Murders, Loki, Asoka, Beckham, Pornhub …

CPP on IG: @CarnivalPersonnelPodcast and on Twitter: @Carnival Podcast                                                                                            

Biff on Twitter is @BiffPlaysHockey

Joe on Twitter is: @Optigrabber

Jacques on Twitter is @TheJacques4 (but really … @CarnivalPodcast)


Opening Song: Gomer by Dan Cray and Beyond ID

Closing Song: Standard Practices by Beyond Id (Live At The Ratt In Boston circa 1996)