Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive artwork

Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive

238 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 11 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 241 ratings

Content creator, host, and editor, Stephanie Dennis, is on a mission to empower people to take control of their careers by offering holistic career advice. The goal is to provide everyone with actionable tips, knowledge, skills, and confidence to crush their career goals.
This podcast takes a funny, fresh, and playful approach to discussing career topics.
We have fun, laugh, use adult language, tell it how it is, and get right to the point.
Check out Career Talk: Learn - Grow - Thrive as featured in the New York Times,, Forbes, Reader's Digest, Business Insider, and more! Support this podcast:

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What to do when your team is not supportive

July 11, 2019 04:00 - 9 minutes - 8.4 MB

Help doesn't always have to  come from our direct team! Prep: Get clear on the exact problem  What is causing the problem Where did you get stuck? What have you tried? Did any of those action items move the needle?  Network:  Are there other teams that can help you? If you asked your colleagues, can your boss help? If you asked your boss, can your colleagues help? Network: ex-colleagues?  Previous leaders LinkedIn Job specific meet ups Social media platforms  Ask experts in y...

Answering Your Questions - How to turn a candidate down + maternity leave

July 04, 2019 04:00 - 11 minutes - 10.5 MB

Today we are answering your questions! Question 1 - a listener is new to recruiting and wants to know:  How do I let people know they are not moving forward in the process? How do I disengage?  Question 2 - a listener is looking for information on maternity / work leave To support the show:  Paypal: Anchor: For show notes go to: To work together:  For the ...

Tips for finding better work life balance

June 27, 2019 04:00 - 22 minutes - 20.7 MB

Here's the thing, and this is good to know out of the gate, there is no such thing as work life balance. Life is not balanced. Work is not balanced. It's more of a moving target Tips to achieve better balance  Prioritize  Delegate  Ask for help  Evaluate  Utilize and emphasize your strengths  Do your hardest tasks when you work best  What are your non negotiable items = stick to this  What tools, apps, technology, software, etc can help you? Movement / exercise  Coach? Therapis...

Is it all about who you know? Or is it about what you know?

June 20, 2019 04:00 - 12 minutes - 11.2 MB

We've all heard the saying it's not about what you know, it's about who you know. Is that true?  Does our career success rest solely on who we know? What if we don't know anyone? What do you do? How do you break into these amazing opportunities?  How do we thrive in our careers when we don't have inside connections? Let's explore!  Over time you are going to build your reputation with great work. You'll build relationships when you:  Perform Exceed expectations People can count on ...

How To Be Heard

June 13, 2019 04:00 - 10 minutes - 9.64 MB

Let's focus on what we can control first:  Speak clearly Frame your input / solution properly  Speak at a normal voice level, not too loud but not quiet / meek either  Speak with confidence and conviction  Ask questions, listen, respond; make it a conversation  Get your time - schedule meetings, get on an agenda  Use the phone when it gets to be too much back and forth  Know and set your intentions ahead of time  Understand and know your value, worth and expertise  Jump into the co...

Answering Your Questions - How To Answer An Interview Question + Leadership But No Degree

June 06, 2019 04:00 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

Question 1:  How to answer the interview question: Detail your greatest achievements in the last 5 years and how they relate to this position  List out your biggest struggles in the last 5 years  What did you have to do to overcome those struggles  What did you learn  Review your annual reviews  Ask colleagues about team project achievements  How does it relate? Unless you're switching career paths it should directly relate  Even if you are switching, you will have cross over  Quest...

My Interview on The Kick A** In Life Podcast - Resume Tips, How To Stand Out, Get More Responsibility and Promotion Conversations

May 30, 2019 04:00 - 25 minutes - 23 MB

In today's episode we listen to my interview on the Kick A** In Life Podcast interview with Laura Eshelman. We discuss:  Getting specific in your resume What to do to stand out in your first job How to get more responsibility at work How to have promotion conversations  Paypal: For show notes go to: To work together:  For the Google Survey: To co...

How To Stand Out In the Interview Process with Laura Eshelman From The Kick A** In Life Podcast

May 23, 2019 04:00 - 23 minutes - 21.7 MB

Laura Eshelman from the Kick A** in Life Podcast talks to us about how to stand out in the interview process!  Paypal: For show notes go to: To work together:  For the Google Survey: To connect:  Instagram:  @stephdennis13  Facebook: Twitter:  @stephdennis13 You’re awesome!!  Go be your amazing self today!!!  -...


May 16, 2019 04:00 - 14 minutes - 13.3 MB

Happiness  What brings a smile to your face? What makes you feel joy? What makes you feel content?  What are the things that bring you excitement?  When you think about your job, or the work you do, how does it make you feel? What do you do to have fun? ------------------------------------------ Unpacking podcast: Paypal: For show notes go to: To work together:  listentocareerta...

Answering Your Questions - Why it takes so long to hear back after interviews + More!

May 09, 2019 04:00 - 10 minutes - 9.64 MB

Today's questions:  How to negotiate salary When to move onto the next job Why it takes so long to hear back after interviews  How to negotiate salary Be honest Be realistic Know your worth Know what your expertise is getting paid for in the market Know the market What is the supply and demand  Be really upfront in that initial conversation regarding your expectations  If you get an offer you're not jazzed about:  Express gratitude Be genuine Be honest  Share your expectation...

Comparing The Different Job Posting Sites / Job Boards

May 02, 2019 04:00 - 8 minutes - 7.95 MB

There are a lot of different job sites out there but a few that are being used frequently LinkedIn Aggregate Roughly 500 million users About 250 active monthly users  This is probably a recruiters biggest go to site  You can display your information  You can turn on job alerts  For the popular roles, a very busy site  Indeed  Aggregate  Rough estimate is about 250 million users  Will have similar job search results as LinkedIn  Usually better for a job seeker vs a recruiter  No...

How To Talk About Compensation In An Interview

April 25, 2019 04:00 - 7 minutes - 6.8 MB

We have done an episode on compensation in the past but things have changed a little bit, for the better and wanted to give an update!  The first thing I want to touch on is educating yourself. Know what the market is like. Supply and demand for your job. Research your job's salary information.  Know before going into an interview, what you want to expect in a new role compensation wise.  You don't have to disclose your current compensation!  Be prepared to have a compensation convers...

Student Loan Debt in the United States ... Yikes!

April 18, 2019 04:00 - 12 minutes - 11.7 MB

Links: Student Loan Hero website: Federal Reserve - Student Loans: Paypal: For show notes go to: To work together:  For the Google Survey: To connect:  Instagram:  @stephdennis13  Facebook: www.facebook....

Answering Your Questions

April 11, 2019 04:00 - 15 minutes - 14 MB

Here are the questions we are answering today:  In your experience if the person you are recruiting for only has 60% of the job description but has overlapping skills that you can train, how much are willing to pay compared to market price?  How to negotiate a salary with global firms when they have established a base in your country because they have business opportunities there? How likely are recruiters willing to issue visas to people from abroad?  How do you weed out people who do n...

How To Build and Have Confidence In Your Job and Career

April 04, 2019 04:00 - 9 minutes - 8.46 MB

How to have confidence in your career. Confidence in general can sometimes be difficult.   I have 18 tips for us on how to boost our convenience in your work and be more successful.   1 - Know your value Make a list. What do I bring to the table. What are my strengths.   2 - Making eye contact and smiling   3 - Voice your opinions   4 - Asking for help   5 - Asking for feedback   6 - Accepting compliments Do not deflect or negate compliments!   7 - Know your worth As it...

How To Be More Productive At Work

March 28, 2019 04:00 - 9 minutes - 8.42 MB

 Productivity is my jam!     When we are looking at how do we become more productive, a good starting point is listing out (separate lists), what are the lists we absolutely have to do every day, week, month and year.    For example, for monthly, what are the things you’ve done this month to add to your annual review.     As a recruiter I have 8 things on my to do list every single day.  For example, review all of the direct applies, look at LinkedIn messages, etc.     Every week I updat...

Let’s Talk Limiting Beliefs with Ryan Borawski

March 21, 2019 04:00 - 50 minutes - 46.3 MB

Have you ever been curious what could be holding you back from achieving your dreams and/or goals?   Today we are talking about limiting beliefs with Ryan Borawski.    Ryan’s Instagram:  @ryanborawski    Ryan’s Twitter:  @RyanJBorawski    Ryan’s website:    Ryan is a corporate trainer for his full time position and he also has a side life coaching business.    Beliefs are pretty much who we are and they have the ability to create or destroy us....

How To Choose A Major

March 14, 2019 04:00 - 8 minutes - 8.18 MB

Choosing a major feels insanely important … when you’re doing it. According to the Washington Post only 27% of people have jobs related to their major.  If it feels like it’s really overwhelming and really hard, take a deep breath.  It is hard. But know this. 73% of people aren’t using their degree.  When you’re looking at choosing a major you can take 2 different paths / approaches.   Option 1 -  You can go with your passions, your dreams, your personality.  Research. List out wh...

Answering Your Questions! How To Stand Out In Applications / Should I Become A Software Developer / Etc.

March 07, 2019 05:00 - 20 minutes - 18.3 MB

Let’s answer some of your questions!    Question 1:  How do you prepare for aptitude tests?   Question 2:  How do you make your resume relevant?    Question 3:  How to position yourself well with recruiters after being retrenched?   Question 4:  What do I owe my current boss and team once I’ve decided to start looking for a new job? Question 5:  How to decide whether or not to get into management?  Would be better pay, next step in career, are there non management ways to furt...

How To Answer The Interview Question Tell Me About Yourself

February 28, 2019 05:00 - 10 minutes - 9.86 MB

How To Answer The Interview Question Tell Me About Yourself  We’ve all been asked this interview question. It feels super loaded which is why I don’t even ask this question.   Tell me about yourself … I immediately think coffee addict, dog mom, wine lover. None of the stuff you should talk about during an interview is what comes to mind. That being said, we have to be with this particular question a little bit more strategic.   What the interviewer is looking for is to know mostly about y...

Unpacking Podcast: Goal Setting / Life Evaluation / Prioritization / Assessment

February 21, 2019 05:00 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Link to Unpacking:     Today we are diving into some goal setting, prioritization and life evaluation in general. Typically people look at goals at the beginning of the year in January however I still think in February this will be helpful.    I’m going to have you list out the different areas of your life. Some areas may include:  Family Friends Kids / Children Pets  Spirituality / Faith / Religion  Personal Growth ...

HR Take on Non Competes and Conflicts of Interest While Job Hunting

February 14, 2019 05:00 - 10 minutes - 9.28 MB

The first thing I want to start off my saying as we are getting into this conversation about non competes and conflicts of interest is this: I am NOT a lawyer. I want to put that out there right now. If you are seeking legal advice, that is not me. Of course I do have a background in HR and I do know a little bit about conflicts of interest and non competes. Someone asked me about this so I was happy to create an episode. Here was the question:  Someone has a full time position, looking to...

She's baaaaaaack!

February 03, 2019 22:22 - 2 minutes - 2.54 MB

She's baaaaack y'all!  :)  What topics do you want to hear?  I created a google form to capture your feedback, find it here: Let me know!  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

Finding A Job While Trying To Relocate - Relocation Tips And Ideas

November 27, 2017 08:00 - 10 minutes - 9.36 MB

In this episode we will cover some tips on how to find a job while relocating  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

To Take A Contract Or Not To Take The Contract - Ways To Determine If Contracting / Consulting Is For You

October 16, 2017 07:00 - 12 minutes - 11.5 MB

Today we are talking about contracting and consulting today!    Reasons contracting might be a good option for you:  1) You are chasing industries and you don’t have any experience in the new industry  2) Typically you do get more money  3) If you get bored after 6-24 months with a company or in a particular role and you feel you are changing jobs often because you’re bored and you need that change  4) You’re the type of person who likes to work for a variety of different companies  5...

Let’s Talk Cover Letters: How to Write A Cover Letter / What To Include / Etc.

October 02, 2017 07:00 - 7 minutes - 6.65 MB

Have you ever been curious on how to write a really amazing cover letter?    Today we are talking about cover letters and answering some of these questions:  Are they important? Should I write one? How much time should I take on one? What should I include?    Question 1: Should I write a cover letter? Answer: Maybe. Most recruiters do not read cover letters if I am being totally honest.  That being said, there are some hiring managers out there that want to see cover letters.    ...

How To Leverage LinkedIn While Job Hunting / Searching

September 25, 2017 07:00 - 10 minutes - 9.7 MB

Have you ever been curious as to whether or not you are leveraging LinkedIn to the extent you can during your job search?    6 Ways To Leverage LinkedIn While Searching For A New Job / Career  Turn on your job preferences so other recruiters or hiring managers know you are open to new opportunities Find and apply for jobs  Research contacts at the companies you want to work for  Reach out to those contacts  Reach out to people who are in jobs that you would want  Research a company’s...

What To Do After Getting Negative Feedback

September 18, 2017 07:00 - 18 minutes - 17.2 MB

Have you ever received negative feedback?  Or even a bad review?  And you weren’t sure what to do with that information?  Today we have 16 points on how to handle feedback. Remaining calm  Take the time to reflect and evaluate before you react  Reminder: perception is reality  Do not argue  Feedback is a really, really good thing - even if we don’t agree with the feedback being given Look at the data  Ask a lot of questions  Learn Honestly ask yourself, what are the truths in the...

Leadership Changes

September 11, 2017 07:00 - 9 minutes - 8.78 MB

Ever had a leadership or management change?  Were anxious or frustrated? Not sure how to navigate the situation?  I got you 😃    What we want to make sure we are doing during a leadership / management change:  Be honest  Being forthcoming Be open to the change    What you should be communicating to your new manager / new leader:  Priorities  Career aspirations  Goals  Clear expectations  Motivators  Communication style and / or your communication preference  Have meaningful ...

Asking For Help

September 04, 2017 07:00 - 10 minutes - 9.6 MB

Have you ever needed to ask for help and weren’t sure how? Or overwhelmed and you weren’t sure what to do next?    How exactly you’re going to be executing on asking for help:  Understand what you’re own expertise is and also where your knowledge gaps are  Explain what you’ve already tried and where you are stuck  Prepping your questions for that other person in advance   Quick tips and reminders:  You don’t need to carry the burden of working alone all by yourself forever  We don’...

STAR And SHARE Interview Methods

August 28, 2017 07:00 - 6 minutes - 6.11 MB

Today we are talking about the STAR and SHARE interview methods.  If we know what the recruiter or interviewer is using for their interview methods, you can be better prepared for your interview.  These are interview methods used to evaluate your behavioral based interview questions.   STAR S - Situation - Describe the situation  T - Task- Describe the task you are responsible for completing given situation described above A - Action - Given the situation and the task you had to compl...

What To Include And Exclude From Your Resume

August 21, 2017 07:00 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Have you ever started applying for jobs and submitted a ton of applications but didn’t really get any responses or getting a ton of rejection letters?  Or not making it past the application stage?  If the answer is yes, there might be something wrong with your resume.    What to include on your resume:  1) Contact information  First and last name (put what you want to be called on your resume, you can put your legal name on your application) Phone number - it should be the number you ...

Help! My Boss Is A Jerk / Mean / A Bad Leader

August 14, 2017 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13.6 MB

Have you ever worked for a boss that was a complete a jerk? Or you thought they may have been the spawn of satan?   I want to talk to you about this situation today because I know it is not easy.  12 Action Items  1) Observe  2) Don’t jump to conclusions  3) Not to let your work suffer  4) Document   5) Keep emails  6) Have really open, honest communication   7) Being that leader   8) Taking the high road  9) Being the better / bigger person  10) Try to determine what motivates t...

Need to Make A Career Change? Not Sure Where To Start? I Got You!

August 07, 2017 07:00 - 7 minutes - 6.99 MB

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you needed to make a change in your career and you weren’t sure what change should be?  Or what you want to do?  Or what that change should be?  Sometimes when we need to make a career change it can be overwhelming if we are unclear on what we want to do or where we should be going or even how to get there.  Really the most important thing when we are looking at making a career change is working your plan backwards. Meaning, reverse engine...

10 Ways To Lead Without Authority or Title

July 31, 2017 07:00 - 9 minutes - 8.84 MB

 10 Ways To Lead Without Authority or Title Make sure you are coming from a genuine place  Be constantly learning and growing  Want to be the one who is asking the tough questions  Always be asking for feedback  Helping your colleagues when they need it  Don’t wait to be asked to do something  Take on additional responsibilities and be that leader  Asking your manager how you can help  Be a top producer with top quality work  Being positive and staying positive through tough situat...

Top 13 Reasons You Are Failing Your Phone Interviews

July 24, 2017 07:00 - 16 minutes - 14.7 MB

Top 13 Reasons You Are Failing Your Phone Interviews:  Research or lack thereof research  Eating and / or chewing gum  Not knowing the company you applied to  Not knowing the job you applied to  Coming across as desperate  Applying to every job  Not being able to talk about money  Working out during your phone interview  Smoking  Lying / being caught in a lie / just being shady  Inability or unwillingness to answer questions  Saying yes to a drastic payout  Not aligning with the...

Co-ops vs. Interns / Internships

July 17, 2017 07:00 - 6 minutes - 6.28 MB

Have you ever wondered the difference between a co-op and an intern? Co-ops  Good way to get your foot into the door of a good company you are targeting  Can be required, not always and if you’re part of a co-op program you are stopping classes to work full time  Paid program  Usually lasts about 3-12 months  You get school credit  Heavily related to your school program / major / area of study  Could be part of a rotational program  Interns / Internships  For current students  Int...

I Want To Be A Future Business Owner / Transitioning From Your Corporate Job To Being A Business Owner

July 10, 2017 07:00 - 10 minutes - 9.28 MB

I have had quite a few people reach out to me asking how to transition from corporate america to being a business owner. 1) Answer: How do you want to be helping other people?  2) Answer: What skills do you need to learn?   This will be a never ending list!  3) Answer: What Skills do you need to learn before you will feel ready to start?  Make sure this list is what you truly need to learn before you start?  Hint: you can start earlier than you think!  4) Answer: How can your day job ...

What Is Your Six Word Story?

July 03, 2017 07:00 - 7 minutes - 6.7 MB

Have you guys heard about the six word story? Reach out to me on Facebook at: What would your six word story be as it relates to your career? Essentially what this six word story would be, is a story, about your career, in only six words. What words would you choose?  Mine would be:  Learn, grow, thrive. Help, coach, teach.  What would be your six word story as it relates to your life in general?   Do you have alignment between the two? Should they ...

ATS / Applicant Tracking Systems / Resumeland / Resume Black Hole - All Explained

June 26, 2017 07:00 - 11 minutes - 10.3 MB

Where does your resume go after you hit submit in an application? It is typically referred to as resmeland which what we are talking about today!  Key points:  1) Upload your resume in every application. 2) There is no keyword search or algorithm that automatically rejects people. 3) You could be rejected without someone looking at your resume. Thank you so much for listening. I would love to connect and learn how I can help you! Connect with me below!!! To connect -  Facebook:  www...

You're Rejected Because You're Overqualified

June 19, 2017 07:00 - 13 minutes - 12.6 MB

Have you ever been rejected from a position or from an application for the reason that you are overqualified?  This is legitimate reason to turn someone down for positions however there are a lot of assumptions and myths out there around this topic so let’s talk about this!  I want to talk about this topic in 4 main topics.  Common Myths  People think they are getting rejected because they are too old  “I was told I was overqualified for the position but now what I think is you won’t hi...

Should I Stay? Should I Quit My Job? When Is The Right Time To Leave?

June 12, 2017 07:00 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Danelle’s Etsy Shop: Have you ever wondered whether or not you should stay in your job? Or quit? Or accept another offer? Or entertain an interview request from a recruiter? Or just in general when is the right time to start looking for another job? When we are thinking about possibly quitting or looking at other jobs or accepting another offer, etc.  There are 6 questions you need to ask and answer:  1) What are my goals ...

How To Maximize Your Annual / Performance Review

June 05, 2017 07:00 - 14 minutes - 12.9 MB

Have you ever wondered what you could be doing better when it comes to your annual review?  The first thing I want to make sure we are on the same page about when it comes to your annual review or performance review or whatever your company is calling it, is that it is a two way conversation. It’s not just one person doing all the talking.  I also want to prepare you to hear both positive as well as negative feedback.  There are 4 topics we are going to be talking about as it relates to y...

Transitioning From A Military To Civilian Job / Career

May 29, 2017 07:00 - 7 minutes - 7.01 MB

Today we are going to be talking about how to successfully transition from a military to a civilian career. First - I want to thank everyone who has served or is serving is our military.  When we are looking at transitioning from a military to a civilian career, from the HR perspective, there are 2 main things you will want to do. 1) Break it down  2) Connecting the dots   Thank you so much for listening. I would love to connect and learn how I can help you! Connect with me below!!! T...

How To Sell Yourself In An Interview

May 22, 2017 07:00 - 12 minutes - 11.4 MB

Have you ever wondered how to better sell yourself in an interview? Or have you ever wondered how you could make yourself stand out from other people who are applying to the same positions?  Instead of going through sales tactics, let’s talk about what candidates do that set themselves apart from the others.  What candidates do to set themselves apart in an interview:  1) Research 2) Asking questions throughout the conversation 3) Tie it all in or connect the dots on their experience  ...

Overcoming Major Career Setbacks

May 15, 2017 06:00 - 12 minutes - 11.3 MB

Have you ever experienced a career setback?  Or felt you fumbled through something? And wanted to understand how to overcome that setback? Or mistake? Or the learning experience?   Today we are talking about 4 things you should be doing if you feel you had a major career setback / hurdle.    1) Establish the root cause of the setback 2) Recalibrate  3) Check your motivation levels  4) Ask yourself  - Do you need to ask for help?    Thank you so much for listening. I would love to ...

Does Your Resume Need A Makeover?

May 08, 2017 07:00 - 13 minutes - 12.1 MB

Have you found yourself recently applying for a ton of jobs and you’re just not getting any callbacks or responses from your resume? Or maybe you feel you’re just not getting enough traction or you feel like you’re spinning your wheels. It’s really important when you are applying for jobs and you’re putting your resume out there, you make sure that your resume is the best it can be because while you may think your resume is great and has all the information it should have, you also have to...

Starting A New Job, Now What?

May 01, 2017 07:00 - 15 minutes - 14.6 MB

So you finally get that job that you’ve been wanting so bad, and it’s your first day at work, now what? That is what we are going to be talking about today!  Today is episode #40 where we are going to be talking about what to do on your first day, your first week or even month of that new job.  --- Send in a voice message: Support this podcast:

How To Talk Money In An Interview

April 24, 2017 07:00 - 10 minutes - 9.64 MB

Today we are going to be talking about how to talk money in an interview. Have you ever been in an interview where somebody asked you about compensation and you were anything less than confident in answering that question?  Today we are talking about how to talk about money in an interview, how to talk about them dollars 😃  The first thing I want you to do before you have an interview is understand you are going to have to talk about money and be prepared to do so. Mentally just get yours...

More Responsibilities, No Perks

April 17, 2017 07:00 - 14 minutes - 13 MB

Have you ever been in a situation at work where you had growing responsibility but you didn’t necessarily have any of the perks that may come along with that additional responsibility? Well today that is what we are talking about!  Today we are talking about how to handle the situation when you have growing responsibilities or growing duties but there really is no benefit, so maybe your title is changing, your salary is staying the same or your hourly wage is staying the same. So you have t...